Cansado de ter constantemente a caixa de correio electrónico de ofertas mirabolantes de tipos que querem à força toda fazer de mim um tipo rico, passei a ripostar. Quem sabe um dia encontro um tipo simpático que avança sob as minhas condições.
Dear Sirs,
First of all I must thank you for choosing my email account within the multitude of zillions of email addresses of all the internet world. It's not only just because it's a gorgeous email address, but certainly because of the very favourable financial information you gathered from the hundreds of companies and banks that my corporations deal with.
Thanks again for having chosen my person and my corporation to establish a two sides profitable operation, as I am sure that your intentions are good, beeing yourself a nigerian Oil Company CEO, cousin (or any other family member) of the late Jonas Savimbi or the son of a cancerous canadian lumberjack.
As you may well understand, my corporation didn't reach where it stands today by dealing without security. I do not deal with Companies or private people without beeing sure about their rock solid financial background. So, in order to establish a confidence relationship between business partners (I hope you don't mind beeing treated as "partner"), please proceed by going through an insignificant security check routine that we've implemented for this kind of outstanding contacts.
- Deposit a sum (non refundable) no less than 300.000 USD (Three hundred thousand US Dollars), small, non marked bills, on our Cayman Offshore account, whose number will be supplied on demand.
After having cleared the security routine, we will go through the initial round of talks and our Finance CEO will appoint a personal interview in order to analyze further actions to be taken regarding your proposal.
Awaiting further contacts.
Yours faithfully,
Pedro Aniceto
Dear Sirs,
First of all I must thank you for choosing my email account within the multitude of zillions of email addresses of all the internet world. It's not only just because it's a gorgeous email address, but certainly because of the very favourable financial information you gathered from the hundreds of companies and banks that my corporations deal with.
Thanks again for having chosen my person and my corporation to establish a two sides profitable operation, as I am sure that your intentions are good, beeing yourself a nigerian Oil Company CEO, cousin (or any other family member) of the late Jonas Savimbi or the son of a cancerous canadian lumberjack.
As you may well understand, my corporation didn't reach where it stands today by dealing without security. I do not deal with Companies or private people without beeing sure about their rock solid financial background. So, in order to establish a confidence relationship between business partners (I hope you don't mind beeing treated as "partner"), please proceed by going through an insignificant security check routine that we've implemented for this kind of outstanding contacts.
- Deposit a sum (non refundable) no less than 300.000 USD (Three hundred thousand US Dollars), small, non marked bills, on our Cayman Offshore account, whose number will be supplied on demand.
After having cleared the security routine, we will go through the initial round of talks and our Finance CEO will appoint a personal interview in order to analyze further actions to be taken regarding your proposal.
Awaiting further contacts.
Yours faithfully,
Pedro Aniceto
4 comentários:
"After having cleared the security routine" - perfeito, rotina de segurança é um bom nome para esse depósito ;)
so lamento que esse email vá directo para lado nenhum, mas quem sabe, milagres acontecem.
se calhar é melhor começar por abrir mesmo a referida conta (espero não estar enganado e a dita exitir mesmo ;))
Paulo A. Silva
Por favor não me tomem por inexperiente nestas matérias... Dirijo há anos uma operação que gera mais de um milhão e meio de emails por ano (outbound) e cerca de setecentos e cinquenta mil (inbound), pelo que tenho a obrigação de saber o que faço. O ripostar implica a não existência de links e aravés de um email que é um pseudo. Mas se quiserem o NIB, prometo que é legítimo.
Sei que já vou atrasado, mas e que tal pedir um pouco menos a ver se algum realmente cai?
Sei que o Pedro é um tipo importante mas 300.000 parece um pouco demais só para falar consigo, se bem que eles também não exageram nada não é?
Conseguiu fazer-me rir.
"Se queres que te ofereçam um cão, começa por pedir um cavalo..." ;)
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